Initiative Forum is an Innovative annual event to connect and engage with others in the face of global challenges. Bringing together a network of forward thinking organisations and people.
It serves as a platform to empower and ignite personal and social developments. Discover create and collaborate with initiatives that make a possible impact in their local communities and the world at large!
Initiative Forum is organised by the participants of the Youth Initiative Forum (YIP) as part of their course training. Each years the participants choose a different theme or question to explore.
- There is a combination of dedicated lectures, workshops and conversation spaces, along with games, live music, dancing and having fun, asking deep questions and sharing all this with like-minded people from around the world.
- There is accommodation available in the surrounding campus and food is provided.
In the evenings, there will be plenty of activities, including live music games and social events.
We invite you to enjoy the unique nature around the campus and take also time for yourself and the conversations you feel meanigful for you.
Anyone from all ages and background are welcome to come to the paid event!
Eligible Regions: Open for All.