The School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) is inviting applications from qualified master’s graduates with academician backgrounds (lecturer and researcher) for a fully-funded doctoral studentship.
In addition to the general call for doctoral students, starting in the academic year of 2022/2023, SBM ITB announces the following special calls for open doctoral positions with special tuition fee funding. This studentship program aims to enable full-time work on doctoral studies, with the goal of completing a doctoral degree in three years.
The successful candidates will be full-time DSM ITB students with full funding for three years to work with the promoters on the selected topics aligned with the SBM ITB’s research roadmap.
Applicants will be required to be fully committed to work on several tasks as follows:
The applicant is strongly encouraged to submit a research proposal that relates to the present research regarding Digital Transformation in MSMEs
The applicant is strongly encouraged to conduct mixed-method research, initially undertaking the qualitative research and continuing with the quantitative one to answer the main research questions as follows:
What are the key success factors for accelerating Digital Transformation in MSMEs?
How do those factors influence the Digital Transformation of MSMEs in Indonesia?
How can the Digital Transformation of MSMEs in Indonesia be accelerated?
The School of Business and Management (SBM) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) was established on December 31, 2003. SBM ITB is a business school at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), the best science and technology institute in Indonesia. SBM ITB has a role as the hub and orchestrator to develop and growing technopreneurs in Indonesia.
SBM ITB offers advantages in interactive learning methods using the most recent business cases, best practices from various reputable local and global companies, and hands-on experiences shared by prominent business leaders. Also, ethical responsibility and principles of sustainability are the baselines of the learning journey. These are the benefits of learning that are relevant to the current needs of the industry.
- Full tuition fee waived for three years fixed terms will be provided by the scholarship.
- Enrolled for the first time (i.e. in the first year) in the Doctor of Science in Management (DSM) program as a full-time student.
- Indonesian/foreign academicians (lecturers and researchers) with master’s degrees from reputable universities with a minimum B accreditation score.
- The GPA of a Master’s degree is not less than 3.25 out of 4.00.
- TPA Bappenas score at least 550 (except for foreign candidates) and TOEFL 550.
- The potential to engage in innovative research and to complete the doctoral study with all requirements within 3 years.
- Excellent academic and scientific records, preferably publications in international reputable journals.
- Agree to have 8 hours/week of assistantship work.
Application Process
- All interested applicants have to contact the contact persons of the research projects expressing their interest in the position and in what way the research project corresponds to the applicants’ interests, educational background, and research experience.
- Applicants will have to download the research proposal template and choose one of the topics available.
- Applicants will have to choose their own promoter and consult their research proposal to get approval. A list of DSM promoters can be found on the ‘Find a Promoter’ page.
- Applicants will have to fill in the ‘SBM ITB Admission Confirmation Form’ available at the apply link to complete the initial application process.
- Applicants will have to submit their final research proposal and proof of approval from the candidate promotor
Submit to the provided link sent by Admission Team through email
Application Deadline: March 25, 2023
Application ClosedOfficial link