The Millennium Fellowship is a semester-long leadership development program that happens on campus. The United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are here to elevate students’ leadership.

This is a leadership development program convening, challenging, and celebrating student leadership that advances the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and UNAI principles. There are many programs that falsely claim or exaggerate associations with United Nations entities. This is real: a partnership between Millennium Campus Network and United Nations Academic Impact that draws on a combined 17 years of experience to help elevate your leadership on campus and in the community.

Millennium Campus Network(MCN) was founded in university dorm rooms in 2007. The network was built to help undergraduates advance the eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals. From 2000-2015, the MDGs mobilized citizens and governments alike – and provided a framework for the Sustainable Development Goals to build upon for 2015-2030. The Millennium Fellowship was launched by MCN in 2013 – and bears the “Millennium” brand in recognition of when it began – and shares the brand with the youth-led NGO that began on a university campus a decade ago.

The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) works with institutions of higher education and research around the world to further the realization of United Nations goals and objectives. It recognizes and cooperates with some 1,200 member institutions worldwide in promoting the values of the United Nations through research, relevant educational courses, and campus activities. The United Nations General Assembly has invited “the academic, research and scientific communities to contribute to the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and, in this regard, recognizes the important role of the United Nations Academic Impact, among other initiatives, and encourages the UNAI to play an important and growing role in fostering global citizenship, filling knowledge gaps and facilitating a better understanding of the core principles and activities of the United Nations.”



United States


As a campus hub, students through the program will get exposed to a variety of elements during the Fellowship sessions as part of the MCN Action Toolkit:

  • ​cultivating core values (empathy, humility, inclusion).
  • honing hard skills (how to write a budget, and create SMART goals).
  • honing soft skills (team management, pitching your Project).
  • peer-to-peer feedback – sharing best practices to help each other overcome obstacles to the Project and exploring further opportunities for collaboration.



  • At least 18 years old,
  • An undergraduate enrolled in a college or university, and
  • In good standing at that academic institution for the duration of the program.
Eligible Regions: Open for All

Application Process

  • An application for the program has to be made through an online application form available at

Application Deadline: February 28, 2023

Application ClosedOfficial link

For Further Queries

For further queries send them an email at [email protected]
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