The Alicia Patterson Foundation Program was established in 1965 in memory of Alicia Patterson, who was editor and publisher of Newsday for nearly 23 years before her death in 1963. One-year and six month grants are awarded to working journalists to pursue independent projects of significant interest and to write articles based on their investigations for The APF Reporter, a web published magazine by the Foundation and available on the web. Winners are chosen by an annual competition. The competition opens in June and all entries must be submitted by November 1. Applications are accepted from U.S. citizens who are print journalists with at least five years of professional experience.
Looking for fully-funded opportunities, install the Youth Opportunities Android or iOS App here.
Beginning with the 2016 fellowship class, an additional fellow specializing in either science or environmental journalism will be added. This fellow will be designated as a Cissy Patterson fellow, in honor of Alicia’s aunt, the publisher Cissy Patterson.
No special application is needed. All fellows apply for the Alicia Patterson fellowship and applications that deal with science or the environment will be considered for this additional fellowship. Science and environmental topics will continue to be awarded Alicia Patterson fellowships.
United StatesBenefits
- The fellowships provide $40,000 for the full-year stipend and $20,000 for the six-month fellowship.
- U.S. citizens who are fulltime print journalists
- non-U.S. citizens who work fulltime for U.S. print publications
Application Process
Applications need to include:
- Fellowship Proposal
A complete, typed statement not to exceed three (3) single-spaced pages, on how you would use an Alicia Patterson Foundation fellowship, and why. A brief summary of the four articles you will be required to write as an APF fellow should be included as part of your statement. Each candidate may submit only one proposal. Two applicants may collaborate on one proposal, for example, a writer and a photographer. - Work Samples
Reporters and Writers
Please submit three copies of three articles with publication date and place noted.
Please don’t send books or chapters of books.
Parts of series counts as one article, so it may be wise to choose only one part of a series and submit two other, unrelated articles in order to show diversity of topics.
Please do not submit any more than three articles. The judges will see only three and we’d rather you make the selection. The content of the articles, rather than date or place or publication, is most important. - Editors
Please send three copies of four samples of work you have edited, using the guidelines above. Attach a statement regarding your contribution to the finished product. If you also write, you may substitute two of your own articles in the four sample total. - Photographers
Please submit one set of 8 to 12 samples. These can be published photographs or unmounted prints. - All Applicants
You will have the option to select a 12 or 6 month fellowships. Note: judges on rare occasion have awarded a six month fellowship for an applicant requesting a 12-month grant. - References
Have two (2) persons who are familiar with your work and your proposal submit a letter of recommendation directly to the Foundation by November 1. There is no set template for the letters; please ask recommenders to write about your talents, ability to overcome obstacles, etc. Please list the names and addresses of your references on the application form. - Please have reference letters emailed to: [email protected]
- Professional Autobiography
A typed statement, not to exceed two (2) single spaced pages, to include reasons for going into journalism, journalistic experience, and future plans. - Estimate Costs
A detailed, typed budget statement, not to exceed one (1) page, to include two categories.Projected fellowship Costs: Travel, books, short-term housing, etc.Personal Maintenance: An estimate of living expenses for one year for yourself and your family (if any).Where possible, list known costs; where not, estimate. Subtotal each category, then total both. At the bottom of your budget page, please indicate what funds, if any, would be available from other sources in support of your proposal fellowship year.
Looking for fully-funded opportunities, install the Youth Opportunities Android or iOS App here.
Application Deadline: November 1, 2022
Application ClosedOfficial link