The French Embassy and the FACE Foundation are launching the Thomas Jefferson Fund to support new collaborations and the most innovative projects between promising young researchers in France and the United States. The Thomas Jefferson Fund aims to foster forward-looking collaborative research in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and of Science for Society that addresses the most pressing global challenges.
The Thomas Jefferson Fund will issue a yearly call for proposals and fund up to nine original, two-year collaborative projects, each led by two outstanding young American and French researchers at the beginning of their careers (professors or researchers with a mid- to long-term po¬sition at a higher education or research institution).
The Fund aims to encourage cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research projects of the highest quality and especially seeks to support emerging collaborations involving a team of younger researchers.
Grants will be awarded per funding cycle in each of the following fields:
• Humanities and Social Sciences (SSH)
• Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
• Sciences for Society (interdisciplinary STEM-SSH projects
United States, FranceBenefits
Selected projects will be funded to a maximum of $20,000 over two years. The grant will be allocated in two equal annual instalments (50% in the first year/ 50% in the second year) and the distribution of funds among partners will be equal (50% of the grant to the French partner/50% of the grant to the American partner).
The grant will cover:
• Travel expenses between France and the US for researchers, professors, post-docs or PhDs involved in the project: $1,200 maximum/flight.
• Accommodation costs and living expenses for researchers, professors, post-docs or PhDs in the partner country in the maximum amounts stated in the budget template.
• Organizational costs of joint conferences (logistics, meals, venue rental…etc.) and publication costs
The Fund considers projects jointly submitted by scientists at the beginning of their career:
- On the American side, professors or researchers with a mid- to long-term position at an American university or research institution are eligible.
- On the French side, professors or researchers with a mid- to long-term position at a French public research institution or institution of higher education are eligible.
- PhD candidates are not eligible as project leaders.
- The two project leaders will be responsible for the scientific, technical and administrative management and coordination of the project.
Application Process
The complete application must include the following documents:
1. The application form in PDF format.
2. The filled-out budget template in Excel format.
3. Two letters of intent, signed by the President, Chancellor, Provost, Head of Department, Head of Laboratory, Head of the International Relations Office, Head of the Contracts & Grants Office, or any comparable representative: one for each institution.
This letter can be either in French or in English; a translation is not necessary. This letter must be in PDF format (NOT to exceed 200 Ko).
4. Two curriculum vitae of each of the project leaders, stating their current affiliations (not to exceed TWO pages each). The biographical resumes must be in English. The CVs must be in Word or PDF formats (NOT to exceed 1MB, no pictures).
Application Deadline: April 7, 2017
Application ClosedOfficial link