• December 1 - 15, 2024
  • Fully Funded
  • Bangkok


Call for the Annual King Bhumibol World Soil Day Award is now Open!!

The 6th GSP Plenary Assembly endorsed the establishment of the annual King Bhumibol World Soil Day Award (WSDA), as a prestigious recognition tool for individuals and institutions that have made significant efforts to organize successful and impactful celebrations within the framework of the World Soil Day campaign of the previous year. This award aims to highlight and honor the outstanding contributions and innovative approaches taken by these organizers to promote the importance of soil health and sustainable soil management.

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The objective of the WSDA is to encourage organizers of World Soil Day events at all levels, from local communities to international organizations, to facilitate challenging and outstanding celebrations around the globe. By recognizing these efforts, the award seeks to inspire more people and organizations to engage in soil conservation activities, thereby raising global awareness about the critical role of soils in ensuring food security, climate resilience, and overall environmental sustainability.

The Award is generously sponsored by the Kingdom of Thailand, which is the champion country in the establishment of the now-famous World Soil Day. Thailand’s unwavering commitment to soil conservation and sustainable land management practices is reflected in this sponsorship. The UN General Assembly decided in December 2013 to officially designate December 5th as World Soil Day, in honor of His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand. His Majesty’s lifelong work and dedication to improving the quality of lives of millions through sustainable soil management have had a profound impact on soil conservation efforts worldwide.

By participating in the King Bhumibol World Soil Day Award, individuals and institutions not only gain recognition for their efforts but also contribute to a larger global movement aimed at preserving and enhancing the health of our planet’s soils. This, in turn, supports the overarching goals of environmental protection, sustainable development, and the well-being of future generations.

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The award consists of a medal, a USD 15 000 cheque, as well as a trip to Thailand (if feasible) to receive the prize.


  • The Award may be granted to individuals, institutions, NGOs, academia, colleges and universities, private companies or any other entities;
  • A wide range of WSD events can be considered for the award. The event has to follow the WSD theme of the year and has to take place between 1 – 15 Dec.
Eligible Regions: Open for All

Application Process

    • After the completion of the event, the organizers should fill out the call for application 2024 in any of the official UN languages by 1 September 2024;
    • Along with the report, WSD organizers are invited to complete their application by sending to the Secretariat:
      • high quality photographs (preferably accompanied by captions);
      • videos (showing the work-in progress and the results);
      • communication material or any related publications,
      • digital coverage (website/web stories/blog/ social media); and
      • demonstrated wide appeal in the media (i.e. media coverage and press release);
    • Pictures taken throughout the event must be shared on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok) with the hashtags #WorldSoilDay and #GlobalSoilPartnership #UNFAO.

It is crucial that the organizers submit testimony or proof of the success of the World Soil Day celebration, and of the impact that the event had on raising awareness for the cause of healthy soils.

Application Deadline: September 1, 2024

Application ClosedOfficial link

For Further Queries

Contact: [email protected]
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