After arranging three successful MUNs in Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar University Model United Nations Association (JUMUNA) is welcoming the delegates from all over the world with the appreciation of winter to preach and practice diplomacy in Jahangirnagar Model United Nations 2018 (JMUN’18).
When the diplomacy mixes up with the beauties of JU at the time of cold winter, the experiences will be upgraded into a new level of fulfillment. If the delegates want to reach at the zenith of their needs from MUN, they should attend JMUN and gather knowledge from different types of sources.
If you are into diplomacy register now!
- Participants can increase their knowledge about diplomacy
- They can have the idea about the power of diplomacy
- Participants will have knowledge about negotiation,
- They will learn the skills of leadership
- Participants will get the courage of getting the legacy of a nation.
Open For all
Eligible Regions: Open for allApplication Process
- Apply online through the given link
- Participants have to fill the online application form from the given apply link and after that they need to pay the registration fee
- Delegate Registration fee for National Delegates : 2800 BDT
- Registration fee for International Delegates ( With accommodation during the conference days) : 100 USD
- Please deposit your payment by the following method:
- Online ABB (Any Branch Banking)
- Jahangirnagar Model United Nations Association
- A/C 0200005269404 Agrani Bank. Jahangirnagar University Branch
- After payment, please send your
- 1. Name
- 2. Phone Number
- 3. Email Address
- 4. Scanned copy of money receipt to [email protected]
- Payment Through bKash: amounts to be sent 2860 tk(Delegation Fee 2800 tk + Transaction Fee 60 tk)
- bKash Numbers: 01675416099,01925762451, 01682795475
- Participants can send the amount to any of the bKash numbers. After payment please send a SMS at +8801675416099, +8801750392309 your following information for recording purpose- Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Educational Institute,bKash Transaction ID
- Payment Through Rocket:
- Amounts to be sent 2860 tk (Delegation Fee 2800 Transaction Fee 60 tk)
- Rocket Numbers: 016754160991, 016827954758
- Participants can send the amount to any of the Rocket numbers. After payment please send a sms at +8801675416099, +8801750392309 your following information for recording purpose-
- Name
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Educational Institute
- Rocket Transaction ID