• February 15 - 16, 2019
  • Fully Funded
  • Notre Dame college

The culture of Notre Dame college is what makes them so special and it is the only thing everyone feels with every beat of their heart. Therefore, Notre Dame Cultural Club is proud to present you the 5th Notre Dame Cultural Jubilation. So mark your date already! It is the time of the year again when events designed from the core of their hearts such as Singing, Instrumental Music, Recitation, Acting, Dancing, Olympiad, Wall Magazine, Spelling & Handwriting etc are going to be held. Notre Dame college knows you are exhilarated already, so take your time and check out the event details below!

The events listed below are applicable for both School and College levels. But they will be held individually for School and College levels –

1. Singing Competition
• Rabindra Sangeet
• Nazrul Sangeet
• Modern Song
• Folk Song
• Patriotic Song

2. Instrumental Music Competition
• Solo (Maximum time is 4 minutes)
• Group (3 members maximum in 4 minutes’ time, group members can be from different schools)

3. Book Based Quiz
• A team of 3 members must be formed
School Level :
i. অসমাপ্ত আত্মজীবনী – শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান
ii. নৌকাডুবি – শ্রী রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
College Level :
i. মা – আনিসুল হক
ii. কৃষ্ণকান্তের উইল – বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়

4. Bangla Poem Recitation
• Subject – OPEN
• Time – 1:30 min
• Participants can recite their own poems
• Participants can recite from any line of a poem

5. Solo Acting
• Self Selection
• Time – 3 min
• Participants are allowed to wear costumes

6. Cultural Olympiad
• MCQ and Short questions
7. Creative Essay Writing
• Instant writing
• Time – 30 min
8. Bangla Spelling
9. Bangla Hand Writing
10. English Hand Writing
11. Continuous Story Telling
12. Presentation
• Costume is allowed
13. Dance
• Classical
• Folk
• Creative

14. Wall Magazine (Open)
• Subject: আমরা তোমাদের ভুলবনা
▪A team must contain 3 members (must be from same institution)
▪Bring your wall magazine to display on the due time updated in the event schedule.
▪During judgment, at least one member must be present to demonstrate the ideas of the wall magazine. Otherwise you might be disqualified.
▪Dimensions- Maximum Height and Width 5 × 3 feet
▪Bring necessary accessories for your wall magazine’s safety ( scissors, glue etc.)

15. Meme Contest(Open)
*Rules and Regulations:
1. Adult contents are prohibited, also any kind of verbal
abuse, slangs are not allowed.
2. Memes hurting religious sentiments of other people are strongly
3. No personal attacks to anyone.
4. No F word.

The contest is divided into two rounds.
1.Preliminary round:It’ll just be an online submission round. It is being launched just to separate the trollers and pseudo from the memers. So submitting any kind of trolls and stolen stuff will lead you to the path of elimination. You can submit your previously made memes for this round.

Things you must keep in mind before submission:

Rename the meme name in the following manner:
Your name_Your Institution name_Your email id (“@gmail/yahoo/outlook.com”-is not negligible) .
• For example: Tanim_Notre Dame College_smtanim915
The selected fellows will get notified through E-mail and also they will post their names from our page.
••• Register and submit your memes in this link: https://goo.gl/forms/1Kq2Xb79ExpbF2St2

2.Final round: The final round will be staged on the Notre Dame College premises. There, the selected participants must bring their school/college ID card and collect their participant card to sit for the Final round. The duration will be 1 hour. You will be provided with blank meme templates on paper. You can use pens, pencils, colors, markers, anything to make your meme funnier and stand out.

Based on the performance of the 2nd round, the winners will be decided and If there’s a tie, we’ll look into the previously submitted stuff.

Notre Dame college invites everyone to join their National Cultural Jubilation and have a wonderful time.




  • Have a look at the exhibition of memes and wall magazines
  • Get the chance to win prizes in Competitions


  • Applicable for both School and College level students
Eligible Regions: Bangladesh

Application Process

  • Apply online
Apply nowOfficial link
Disclaimer: Youth Opportunities spreads opportunities for your convenience and ease based on available information, and thus, does not take any responsibility of unintended alternative or inaccurate information. As this is not the official page, we recommend you to visit the official website of opportunity provider for complete information. For organizations, this opportunity is shared with sole purpose of promoting “Access to Information” for all and should not be associated with any other purposes.

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