• Bangladesh

Appen is hiring a Freelancer 2020 in Bangladesh.

Employment Type: Part-time

Opportunities You May Be Assigned To: 

  • Voice Data Collection – The work involves recording your voice while reading short prompts from an online phone application.
  • Translation – The work will involve translating contents from one language to another.
  • Transcription – The work will involve converting audio files to text using an internet browser-based tool.
  • Text Data Collection – The work will involve answering a series of questions using the language dialect required.
  • Speech Evaluation – The work will involve listening to speeches read by a computer-generated voice and rating them according to how naturally they sound.
  • Search Evaluation – perform basic online tasks to evaluate the quality and relevance of internet-based search results, advertisements, and/or web page content.

Your assignment will depend on your qualifications and the availability of the project.

Appen Limited is a publicly-traded company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange under the code APX. Appen provides or improves data used for the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence products.




  • Earn and Learn at the same time.
  • Flexible hours (work whenever you want)
  • Work from anywhere


  • Access to a computer and/or a smartphone
  • Access to a secure high-speed internet connection and a quiet workspace
  • Ability to work with applications, troubleshoot software, and execute instructions independently
  • Being a multilingual speaker is an advantage.
  • Or you have an academic and professional linguistic background
Eligible Regions: Bangladesh

Application Process

Apply through the given link.

Apply nowOfficial link
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