• Paid
  • Dhaka, Bangladesh.

bKash is hiring Interns 2020 in Dhaka.

bKash Internship Program 2020 is designed to identify and hire the most potential candidates to create next generation of leaders by harnessing and developing their talents.

bKash is a mobile financial service in Bangladesh operating under the authority of Bangladesh Bank as a subsidiary of BRAC Bank Limited. This mobile money system started as a joint venture between BRAC Bank Limited, Bangladesh and Money in Motion LLC, United States of America.




Opportunity to work in a fast-growing dynamic company.


Graduate in any discipline

Eligible Regions: Bangladesh

Application Process

Apply on the following link-

Apply nowOfficial link
Disclaimer: Youth Opportunities spreads opportunities for your convenience and ease based on available information, and thus, does not take any responsibility of unintended alternative or inaccurate information. As this is not the official page, we recommend you to visit the official website of opportunity provider for complete information. For organizations, this opportunity is shared with sole purpose of promoting “Access to Information” for all and should not be associated with any other purposes.

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