• October 27 - 28, 2017
  • Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, 1000 Dhaka.

For the first time in the history of the country, BUET Automobile Club is proud to present to you the biggest festival of automobiles, “AutoFest”. As a part of the event, they are going to host a Quiz Contest to challenge your knowledge in automobile field. They opted for changing the usual scenario of quizzing .As a result, they came out with a new type quiz contest named “Riddler” accompanied with different tastes.

“Riddler” is the quiz competition in which you have to form a team of 3 members to participate in the competition. At first from the registered teams, top 10 teams will be progressed to the next round. These teams will be separated randomly in two groups each consisting of 5 teams. These 5 teams will take part in interactive contest and the best 2 teams will be progressed to the final. In the final, 4 teams will compete against each other to prove their superiority. So if you think you have capability to conquer over others’ knowledge in this sector, just accelerate to form team and enlist your team in “Riddler”.

So team up and join the fight to excellency in the ultimate automotive quizzing. Feel free to ask us about any of your query.




Prize Money:
Winning team- 5000tk
1st Runner up- 3000tk
2nd Runner up- 2000tk


Open for all School, College & University students.

Eligible Regions: Bangladesh

Application Process

Apply Online.

Registration Fee: 500 tk

Payment procedure is given in Apply Link. Bkash Number: 01680897946

Application Deadline: October 20, 2017

Application ClosedOfficial link

For Further Queries

E-mail: buetautomobileclub@gmail.com
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