MIST Environmental Club presents Environmental Contest 2021.
In realization of the Golden Jubilee of Independence, the Department of EWCE, MIST is initiating Environmental Contest 2021 to empower the youth to ponder environmental issues, share their thoughts, and pitch their ideas and recommendations to policymakers. Students from all over Bangladesh will compete individually in two different contests, namely ‘Clean Metro Contest’ and ‘Recycling Heroes Contest’, where they will share innovative ideas and projects leveraging technology tools to solve environmental problems we face as a nation today.
Clean Metro Contest:
The goal of this contest is to have students utilize their analytical and mapping skills simultaneously. Students will prepare a map layout analyzing the critical parameters for environmental pollution and determine the most vulnerable sites analyzing environmental parameter data of Dhaka Metro Rail Project using GIS. Students will also propose mitigation measures for the most vulnerable sites in the form of an essay. The proposed control measures should be innovative, realistic, and economically viable for Bangladesh. Optionally, students may include a probable cost estimation of their proposed plan.
Recycling Heroes Contest:
The purpose of the contest is to test the creative ability of the participants as well as their capability to find viable solutions to concurrent environmental challenges
Tasks to be performed:
- A video (maximum 4 minutes) must be uploaded proposing viable measures to encourage the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle)
- Submission of the video proposal through a suitable platform
- All materials are to be submitted individually
- The contest is open to all university students across Bangladesh
The MIST Environment Club encourages you to acquire the knowledge of our environment as well as to come forward and contribute to resolve some of the environmental problems at national and global range. In doing so, you will be playing an important role in environmental education for sustainable development and be able to influence more people to engage themselves in saving the planet.
- Prize money will be given to winners.
- The winners will also receive a “Certificate of Excellence”
- All participants with qualified submission will be awarded a “Certificate of Participation”.
Clean Metro Contest:
- th the best submissions will get 4 minutes of zoom time to present/showcase their solutions (in .ppt/.pptx format) on the final day of event (28 November 2021).
Recycling Heroes Contest:
- College and university students (undergraduate) across Bangladesh can participate in this competition.
- Participant has to enroll themselves as individual.
- Participant has to make their final submission here covering scopes of the contest in .mp4 format. Submissions in other format or corrupted file or not accessible across all devices (PC, Laptop, Mobile Phone) will not qualify for preliminary evaluation.
- The length of the video should not be more than 4 minutes of screen time.
- Preliminary evaluation of qualified submissions will be based on a grading rubric.
- Only shortlisted participants with the best submissions will get 4 minutes of zoom time to present their video (in .mp4 format) on the final day of event (28 November 2021).
Application Process
Clean Metro Contest:
Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-SyGmgxjhJskaadPlIhGvLS1_sfdYKXfJS1wGE1ZYUmU6sQ/viewform
Recycling Heroes Contest:
Registration Link : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdDojWUgmQQzO44MN2kxKtXEfmDhXSNwsW5eEyKkROUDLGO1w/viewform
Application Deadline: November 18, 2021
Application ClosedOfficial link