International Women’s Day Competition – Write a short story and win $200

Every year on 8 March, International Women’s Day is celebrated around the globe to respect and honour women and reaffirm that we live in an equitable society. This day also gives us an opportunity to commemorate the most inspiring women in the society for their remarkable contribution.

Our goal in Starmums is to find inspiring Bangladeshi women who have enlightened others and played a catalytic role in the society. As such we are pleased to announce a competition with the theme titled “Uddipto Nari”.




  1. The best storytelling author will receive AUD $200 or equal amount in BDT.
  2. The best story/photo will be featured in Starmums website.
  3. The winner will be given the opportunity to become a regular contributing author in Starmums website.


Format of the competition –

  • The length of the story should be between 800-1000 words.
  • The story can be written either in Bengali or in English.
  • Any Bangladeshi male or female of any age group can participate in this competition. Overseas Bangladeshi nationals are also encouraged to apply.
  • The story must be written by one person. Co-authored story will not be accepted.
  • The winning story will be evaluated based on creative thinking, imagination and ability to articulate a compelling story.
  • The story and a photograph of “Uddipto Nari” must be submitted in the Starmums website.
Eligible Regions: Bangladeshi from all over the world, both male and female can take part in this contest

Application Process

To take part in this competition, register from apply link button

The one’s who will register, will be provided with further guidelines on how to submit their story.

Application Deadline: April 15, 2019

Application ClosedOfficial link

For Further Queries

For any query, jump into our website and live chat with us. Alternatively, email us at - [email protected]
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