Daraz Ad Creator Hunt – 2020 in Bangladesh.
For the first time ever daraz is organizing Daraz Ad Creator Hunt 2020 for the creative minds. Are you a story maker? Love to work with your ideas? Do you consider yourself creative? Then establish your story for daraz & make a video ad keeping the Pohela Boishakh in mind & Win prize money worth BDT 100,000.
Ad Topic: Daraz & Pahela Boishakh
Steps :
1) Fill the form with your team details.
2) Make a short video in between 30 Seconds – 180 Seconds
3) The Video focus should be daraz & Pahela Boishakh
4) Upload the ad in your Facebook timeline in between 1st -31st March
5) The likes will be counted till 10th April & Winners will be announced on 15th April
6) Use caption #AdCreatorHunt to upload the video
Winning Criteria :
You will be selected as the winner based on :
1) Number of likes on your video – 30% of Total Marks
2) Number of Shares – 20% of Total Marks
3) Expert Judgement on creativity – 50% of Total Marks
To get more exciting opportunities like this, at your fingertips, install the Youth Opportunities Mobile App here from your cellphone!
The like count on Facebook will continue till 10th April & Winners will be announced on 15th April.
Daraz is a Chinese-owned online marketplace and logistics company which operates in markets of South Asia and Southeast Asia. It was founded in 2012 by a German venture capital company, Rocket Internet.
Gifts :
1) 1st Prize Money – 50,000 BDT & Certificate
2) 2nd Prize Money – 30,000 BDT & Certificate
3) 3rd Prize Money – 20,000 BDT & Certificate
The winners may get job opportunity in Daraz Bangladesh.
Who Can participate? :
1) Any individual or a team who’s members are at least 18 years old.
2) For a team the max. number of members have to be 4
Application Process
To apply go to the official link
To get more exciting opportunities like this, at your fingertips, install the Youth Opportunities Mobile App here from your cellphone!
Application Deadline: March 31, 2020
Application ClosedOfficial link