BASIS National ICT Awards is an annual program of Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) and organizing since 2017. The objective of the BASIS National ICT Awards is to provide recognition to outstanding achievements of individuals, students, entrepreneurs, SMEs and organizations.
This annual Awards program also provides an opportunity and an ideal environment for individuals and companies to gain local, regional and international exposure through on-going promotional activities, and through participation at the international Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards (APICTA Awards). Winners of the BASIS National ICT Awards will represent Bangladesh at the annual International APICTA Awards.
Key Points of BASIS National ICT Awards 2018:
1. 650+ Projects
2. 76 Awardees in 35 Categories
3. 32 Projects have been nominated for APICTA Awards 2018
4. 70 Members from Bangladesh are participating at APICTA Awards, Guangzhou, China
29 Projects participated at APICTA Awards 2018. Last Year Bangladesh won 1 Champion Award and 5 Merit Awards out of 266 Projects from 15 Economies.
Nominated Winners of the BASIS National ICT Awards 2019 will represent Bangladesh at the Annual International APICTA Awards at Vietnam.
- Opportunity to win the chance to represent Bangladesh at the Annual International APICTA Awards at Vietnam
Company Eligibility To Be Nominated:
- The company must be locally registered in the respective APICTA member economy. (See APICTA Economy list).
- The company can be a 100% local company, or A joint venture between a local company and a foreign company. The foreign company in the joint venture can be either a company (ies) registered in the APICTA member economy or a company (ies) from outside the APICTA member economy. Local shareholders must own at least 51% of the total shares.
Entry Eligibility To Be Nominated:
- The Intellectual Property Right for the product or application must be owned by the company, or its Intellectual Property Right is owned by the offshore parent of the local company where the majority owner shareholding is the local company.
- At least 51% of the development efforts, including research and development and design, must have been undertaken within the APICTA member economy from where the application is submitted.