Day Long Workshop on Line Follower Robot 2019 in Dhaka.
A Line Follower Robot, as the name suggests, is an automated guided vehicle, which follows a visual line embedded on the floor or ceiling. Usually, the visual line is the path in which the line follower robot goes and it will be a black line on a white surface but the other way (white line on a black surface) is also possible. Certain advanced Line Follower Robots use the invisible magnetic field as their paths.
Large line follower robots are usually used in industries for assisting the automated production process. They are also used in military applications, human assistance purpose, delivery services etc.
Line Follower Robot is one of the first robots that beginners and students would get their first robotic experience with. In this project, we have designed a simple Line Follower Robot using Arduino and some other components.
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- Open for all
Application Process
Apply online through the given link
Payment method:
– Fees can be sent through bKash(01745192740);
– Bkash or Rocket(017451927402) payment needs cash out charge;
– After sending the fees, message your name, phone number and transaction ID to this number(01745192740);
– You will get a confirmation message and ID for the workshop and your seat will be confirmed;
1500 Taka for 2 persons, without kit;
3700 Taka for 2 persons, with a kit;
10% discount for GyanJam Membership Holder.