• November 22 - December 5, 2017
  • Rampura, Aftabnagar, Dhaka

East West University Creative Marketing Club (EWUCMC) is here with the nation’s first-ever Inter-University Business Competition “ANALYTICS 2017” based on Digital Marketing. EWUCMC, which also happens to be the first ever marketing club of the country, is proud to make history and take the first step into the future of Marketing.

ANALYTICS 2017 will not only enlighten its participants about Digital Marketing but will also create future pioneers. This will be made possible with the help of Country’s first and largest Digital Agency “ANALYZEN”.

Competition Schedule-

  • Round 1: Workshop and Case Briefing – 19th November
    Submission – 21st November, before 11.59 pm
  • Round 2: Brief – 24th November
    • Phase 1: Meet the Clients – 26th November
    • Phase 2: Run the Campaign – 27th November
  • Final: Digital Detective – 5th December





  • Champion: BDT 1,20,000
  • 1st Runner-up: BDT 50,000
  • 2nd Runner-up: BDT 30,000


  • Need to form a team consisting a minimum of 3 members, and a maximum of 4 members from the same institution
  • All the members must be undergrad students, meaning no fresh graduates or college students can participate
  • Students from any department or major can participate
  • All the members need to have a Facebook ID
  • All the participants must be citizens of Bangladesh
Eligible Regions: Bangladesh

Application Process

Registration Process:

  • Step 1: Send the registration fee which is 1200 BDT via bKash (excluding charges) and collect your Transaction ID [bKash Numbers: 01689449640, 01952599058, 01944665788]
  • Step 2: Send an SMS to the bKash number that you sent the registration fee to collect your ‘Team Code’ for registration [SMS format: TEAM NAME<space>University Name<space>TEAM LEADER’s NAME<space>bKash Transaction ID<space>ANALYTICS 2017]
  • Step 3: Go to the Apply Now section to fill up the registration form
  • Step 4: Wait for the confirmation email from the organizers which will be sent to you within 24 hours after you fill up the form

Application Deadline: November 17, 2017

Application ClosedOfficial link
Disclaimer: Youth Opportunities spreads opportunities for your convenience and ease based on available information, and thus, does not take any responsibility of unintended alternative or inaccurate information. As this is not the official page, we recommend you to visit the official website of opportunity provider for complete information. For organizations, this opportunity is shared with sole purpose of promoting “Access to Information” for all and should not be associated with any other purposes.

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