Call for young SDG aspirants :
SERAC-Bangladesh and a number of local and international partners is hosting the Bangladesh Youth Consultation on Sustainable Development Goals 2017.
The BYCSDG2017 will be a space for young active advocates to learn and share ideas and opinions through participatory dialogues with an aim to take part in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals at national, regional, and global levels
Registration Fee (if selected): 200 BDT
The consultation will focus on SDGs 3 (Health for All), and 5 (Gender Equality) and how young people’s struggle to access sexual and reproductive health and rights, and gender equality at all levels. It will also advocate the government to ensure participation of youths on key UN events like Commission on the Status of Women, Commission on Population and Development, High Level Political Forum, and UN General Assembly, and a number of national, regional, and international spaces.
100 young persons will be selected to join as BYCSDG2017 Youth Aspirants for this event.
Eligibility for application:
1. Bangladeshi citizen
2. Age: 15-28
3. Affiliated with a youth organization/educational institution
4. Non-smoker
5. Respectful to all (male, female, transgenders, and others)