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ASAD Presents WASH Campaign 2021.

Advocacy for Sustainability in Agricultural Development (ASAD) is currently accepting responses for the Water, Sanitation & Hygiene – WASH campaign. Where selected individuals (registered as person or business) would get to participate in a series of virtual discussions with experts on the field.  As respected experts would share their experiences and suggestions on sanitation and hygiene practices, participants would also get to discuss their challenges and consequences. The 6day campaign will bring focus on two major discussable urgencies:

  1. Applicable good manufacturing and handling practices.
  2. WASH services and social parity.

ASAD is working to provide a platform for stakeholders in the agricultural extension and food supply-chain in Bangladesh to share their challenges with national experts. Especially in the coastal belt, where researchers need to focus on case studies on Nature-based solutions (NbS), Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).




Upon completion of the campaign, experts and participants would be certified on their contribution to the awareness building campaign. The executive committee would work to break communication barriers between the communities. So that even after the campaign, experts can source necessary data relevant to their researches and case studies directly from participants through ASAD. Meantime, participants can easily reach the experts/ organizations  to share their experiences after they get back to their communities.


  1. Businesses/workers in the food and agricultural sector
  2. Members of agricultural cooperatives in coastal areas of Bangladesh.
  3. Young minds wanting to know about sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene practices in the food and agricultural sector.
Eligible Regions: Bangladesh.

Application Process

Register through the given link.

Apply nowOfficial link

For Further Queries

Check the official link.
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