• Bangladesh

Plan International is hiring Child Protection Specialist 2021 in Dhaka.

They will partner to empower girls and young women, to be heard, to live without fear of violence, and to achieve their rights’ is Plan International Bangladesh’s Vision for 2030. They have started a new country strategy in July 2020 aiming to achieve this exciting and ambitious vision. Aligning with their strategy, they have developed a project namely Combating Early Child Marriage in Bangladesh (CEMB), funded by Global Affairs Canada.


  • The Child Protection Specialist will provide necessary technical supports related to child protection to 7 divisional partners in the process of development of training materials and modules, and in organizing training and workshops on CMPCs and National Plan of Action for preventing CEFM for effective delivery of the national scale-up component of CEMB project.
  • She/he will also responsible to provide child protection-related inputs and feedback to MoWCA and UNICEF on their process of training curriculum development related to CMPCs.
  • This position will be responsible for monitoring the implementation quality of 7 divisional partners from the point of view of child protection and safeguarding and related documentation.
  • This position will also contribute to research and studies to be carried out in the project.

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organization that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. Plan International envisages a world in which all children and young people realize their full potential, a vision now shared by the 193 Heads of State and Government who adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015.




Check the official link.


  • Master of Social Sciences (MSS) or any relevant discipline.  
  • At least 5 to 6 years working experience in development programs/projects of NGOs and or government agencies along with 3 to 4 years direct working experience in Child Protection policies and procedures and developing training curricula, manuals.
  • She/he should have demonstrated an understanding of the Child Protection Policies and related compliances.
  • She/he should have sound knowledge of legal provisions related to Child, Early and Forced Marriage in Bangladesh, especially on Child Marriage Restraint Act 2017 and related Rules and circulars.
  • She/he should have an adoptive and an appropriate communication style while communicating with the whole range of colleagues, partners, children, and communities and exhibiting active listening and effective feedback.
  • She/he should have a demonstrated ability to organize and analyze information, present these for the audience in report format for making decisions.

Eligible Regions: Bangladesh

Application Process

Only Bangladeshi nationals are eligible to apply

Apply through the given link.

Application Deadline: January 3, 2021

Application ClosedOfficial link
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