In 2015, under the umbrella of its Creativity and Innovation Initiative, the GCSP and its Geopolitics and Global Futures Programme established a prize in order to recognise deserving individuals or organisations that have an innovative approach to addressing international security challenges.
The prize is designed to reach across all relevant disciplines and fields. It seeks to reward the most inspiring, innovative and ground-breaking contribution of the year, whether this comes in the form of an initiative, invention, research publication, or organisation.
The prize consists of a cash award of CHF 10’000. The prize will be awarded to the winner at a Ceremony in Geneva. In addition to the Prize, all travel to and attendance at the Ceremony will be paid by the GCSP.
The 2nd GCSP Prize for Innovation in Global Security was awarded on 17 November 2016 to eyeWitness to atrocities, a mobile app that provides human rights defenders, documenters, journalists, and ordinary citizens with the ability to capture verifiable videos and photos of international authorities.
The prize is CHF 10’000 in cash, and no equivalent or alternative will be provided. The prize will be awarded to the winner at a ceremony in Geneva. In addition to the prize, all travel to, and attendance at the ceremony will be paid by the GCSP. Travel includes, where applicable, standard or economy-class round-trip air travel to Geneva from the nearest international airport, and overnight accommodation. This applies to the winner, or a representative of the winning individual or group. Travel will be organised and paid for by the organisers in coordination with the winner, who agrees to provide the relevant personal details necessary for organising such travel. Visa support will be
provided if needed.
- The prize is awarded for a project by any individual, or group of individuals, or
organisation (from private or public sectors), which contributes to global security, and has been submitted for consideration according to these rules and regulations. No more than one application per applicant is allowed. - Applications may come from any country, but the project should go beyond national borders in its reach or thinking, and must seek to address global security in innovative ways or through new ideas. A broad range of projects could qualify for consideration, including, but not limited to, technological and conceptual innovations, original research or grassroot initiatives.
- The prize is intended to encourage and recognise excellence in contributing to new approaches to enhancing sustainable global security.
Application Process
Applications must be submitted via the online application form in order to be considered for the prize, and shall include:
- a project abstract of 250 words maximum;
- a well-developed project description which should not exceed 1,000 words in length. The application should include a description of the initiative or project, an explanation of the concept’s significance in the context of global security and our collective global future, and should clearly demonstrate how the idea provides a novel contribution to this field;
- up to five image files (optional).
- Applications submitted via any other channel will not be considered.
- Applications must be in English.
Application Deadline: September 27, 2017
Application ClosedOfficial link