The UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning (UIL) is currently accepting applications from government officials and representatives of civil society organizations for its CONFINTEA Fellowship Programme to support the implementation of the commitments made at CONFINTEA VI.
The Fellowship Programme aims to strengthen the capacities of Member States in implementing major elements of the Belém Framework for Action (BFA). Fellows are, therefore, selected on the basis of their potential to develop national strategies in support of ALE in their respective countries. A draft proposal for a national strategy is the key expected output of the programme.
The successful candidates receive daily subsistence allowances during their stay at UIL. Costs of accommodation, travel and visas are also covered.
- CONFINTEA Fellowships are offered to government officials or representatives of civil society organizations working in key positions in the field of adult learning and education (ALE) in UNESCO Member States, particularly those in the Global South. UIL seeks geographical (regional and national) and gender balance when awarding CONFINTEA Fellowships.
- Candidates for CONFINTEA Fellowships should:
- Have extensive experience – whether in government or civil society or as a researcher – in adult learning and education
- Be involved in policy formulation or in planning and implementing programmes at national level; in addition, involvement in national activities related to the preparations for, implementation of, or follow-up to CONFINTEA VI would be an asset
- Have fluent spoken and written English and, ideally, a working knowledge of another United Nations or UNESCO language
- UIL strongly encourages applications from francophone countries.
Application Process
Interested candidates should submit:
- A written proposal
- An updated curriculum vitae
- A motivational letter
Proposals should carefully consider the implementation of the Belém Framework for Action in one of the UNESCO Member States. Subscribe to our newsletter to keep informed about upcoming calls for applications.
Application Deadline: June 15, 2017
Application ClosedOfficial link