The School Enterprise Challenge is a global business start-up Awards Programme run by the educational charity ‘Teach A Man To Fish.’ It aims to create globally aware, socially responsible, young entrepreneurs. This free Awards Programme guides and supports teachers and students to plan and set up real, sustainable school businesses. Students get the chance to gain hands-on experience of running a real business and generate real profits to help support their school or a social cause of their choice.
The Awards Programme is FREE and helps students plan and set up school-based enterprises that:
1. Generate real profits to help support their educational activities.
2. Give students the chance to gain hands-on experience of running a real business.
3. Are sustainable, and will grow and develop every year
- Every school will have the opportunity to earn their Award level certificate by completing the three steps of their level and meeting the minimum criteria.
- There are prizes available at every step of the programme, including $50,000 USD in cash prizes, regional conference places, laptops and cameras.
- Exact details of the 2017 prize categories will be available in the official website
Open for All School.
Eligible Regions: Open for AllApplication Process
If your school would like to participate, the lead teacher should complete this form. It will take you 5-10 minutes to fill in. Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email explaining how to get started in the School Enterprise Challenge Awards programme.
Please only register your team once. However, if you would like two (or more) teams from your school to enter The School Enterprise Challenge you must register twice (or more) using a different email address each time
Application Deadline: June 30, 2017
Application ClosedOfficial link