• Fully Funded
  • Oxfordshire


Call for the Clarendon Fund is now open!!!

Originally established to support Overseas students, the Clarendon Fund first welcomed scholars to Oxford in 2001. The scheme was expanded in 2012 to include students from the UK and EU, therefore providing funding for all fee statuses. Throughout this period, the Fund’s aim has remained unchanged; to assist academically outstanding graduate students through their studies at the University of Oxford.

Clarendon scholarships are competitive, prestigious and highly sought-after. Like all fully-funded Oxford scholarships, Clarendon covers course fees, and provides a generous grant for living expenses. This funding helps reduce the financial barriers that may stand in the way of the best students, from across the world, coming to study at Oxford.

Clarendon aims to offer a increasing number of new scholarships each year – with over 230 for 2024/25 entry! Currently, there are about 500 on-course scholars at Oxford, making Clarendon the University’s largest scholarship scheme. There are no quotas by nationality or degree level. Every student who submits their application by the relevant January deadline for their course will automatically be considered. The majority of Clarendon scholars are working towards a DPhil, Oxford’s name for a PhD. Scholarships are also awarded for two-year graduate degrees, such as the MPhil or BPhil, or one-year degrees, such as MSc, MSt, MBA or MFE. For more information please see our Full-time applicants and Part-time applicants pages.

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To ensure the scholarship remains true to its purpose, the Fund is overseen by the Clarendon Fund Steering Group, consisting of representatives from across the University. The Steering Group acts as board of management and is designed to ensure its effective running and to provide consistency across the academic divisions and Department for Continuing Education.

When selecting Clarendon scholars, the University has only one goal in mind: to choose the best students worldwide, as decided by experts in each student’s field. Future potential is an essential part of the Oxford process. Oxford believes that by selecting and nurturing the brightest and best minds, it will pave the way for future leaders in any given field. Clarendon scholars are increasingly taking on leadership roles and applying their knowledge and skills to the wider environment outside Oxford.

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Full-time Applicants

Clarendon scholarships cover course fees in full.  This applies to Home and Overseas fee status students.

Scholars on a full-time course will receive an annual grant for living expenses of at least the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate, which is normally sufficient to cover the living costs of a single student living in Oxford. In 2023-24, scholars receive at least £18,622.

Part-time Applicants

Clarendon scholarships cover scholars’ course fees. This applies to Home and Overseas fee status students. And, scholars on a part-time course will receive a study support grant to assist with non-fee costs. Study support grants vary in value — they may be a sixth, a third or half of the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate. The amount of the grant is influenced by the  nature and/or duration of the course. A scholar’s offer letter will provide details of the study support grant.

The study support grant may be slightly reduced where course fees cover some other study costs, for example, accommodation while on a period of residential study. We liaise with academic departments to determine the value of the study support grant in these cases.


Full-time Applicants

Candidates applying to start a new DPhil or Master’s course at Oxford are eligible. This includes students who are currently studying for a Master’s degree at Oxford but who will be re-applying for a DPhil or applying for a second Master’s course.

Part-time Applicants

Candidates applying to start a new part-time Master’s or DPhil course at Oxford are eligible. This includes students who are currently studying for a Master’s degree at Oxford but who will be re-applying for a DPhil (you would be eligible for funding for the DPhil).

As a guideline, applications are assessed against the following criteria:

Outstanding academic record

An excellent academic record is essential. The majority of successful scholars usually have at least a first class honours degree or its equivalent. For example a GPA score of at least 3.7, if the mark if out of 4, noting that a lot of the Clarendon scholars achieve higher than this score. Or an applicant must have an outstanding academic record at Master’s level, noting that an exceptional Master’s degree can compensate for a moderate first degree performance. Requirements may vary between disciplines and from year to year depending on the strength of the field. Other evidence of high academic achievement may include individual marks on student transcripts; evidence of previous university prizes or awards; information on your overall position within your cohort; and publications (if applicable).

Future potential and aptitude

Particular consideration is given to an applicant’s future academic potential and aptitude of the proposed course of study. This may be assessed by reviewing references and research proposals to determine evidence of an applicant’s aptitude for research, and the likelihood of contributing significantly to the field of study.

Student motivation

This is assessed through evidence of the applicant’s commitment to the proposed course as well as evaluation of the personal statement and the referees’ reports.

Eligible Regions: Open for All

Application Process

  • Submit an Application: Applicants must apply for a full-time or part-time graduate course at the University of Oxford. There is no separate application for the Clarendon Fund; all applicants who apply for their course by the relevant January deadline are automatically considered.
  • Eligibility Consideration: Once you apply to a graduate course at Oxford, your application will be assessed based on academic merit, future potential, and fit for the scholarship. There are no nationality or degree quotas, so applicants from all over the world are eligible.
  • Selection and Decision: If shortlisted, applicants are reviewed by experts in their respective fields, who assess academic excellence and potential. The best candidates are chosen for the scholarship based on these criteria.
  • Offer Notification: Selected applicants are notified about their Clarendon Fund scholarship offer. There may be additional steps or formal acceptance procedures depending on the course and scholarship terms.

Application Deadline: December 3, 2024 (56 Days Remaining)

Apply nowOfficial link

For Further Queries

If you have a question you would like to ask, including admission queries, please use their official ask questions website.
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