The MFWA is a regional independent non-governmental organization with a network of national partner organizations in all 16 countries in West Africa. It is the biggest and most influential media development and freedom of expression organization in the region with UN ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) Consultative Status. The MFWA also has Equivalency Determination Certification with NGO Source that certifies the organization as being the equivalent of a public charity in the United States. The MFWA is also the Secretariat of the continental Network of the most prominent Free Expression and Media Development Organizations in Africa, known as the Africa Freedom of Expression Exchange (AFEX). It also works in partnership with other regional and international organizations through different networks such as IFEX, AFEX, the Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC) and the African Platform on Access to Information (APAI). The organization also works closely with the regional inter-governmental body, ECOWAS. It also engages frequently with mechanisms of the African Union (AU) and the UN.
The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) is calling for entries for the 7th edition of the West Africa Media Excellence Conference and Awards (WAMECA).
WAMECA 2023 will be held from oct 19 to 21 in Accra, Ghana, and will focus on the theme: Media and Democracy in Africa.
The first two days of the event will be dedicated to discussing various topics under the theme while the last day will be for the annual awards, which honors excellent and impactful works of journalism in West Africa.
Participants in this year’s event will deliberate on the current democratic recession in Africa and come out with actionable recommendations to mobilize a continent-wide response to the rollback.
WAMECA 2023 will honor outstanding works of journalism in West Africa in the following categories: Human rights reporting, investigative reporting , anti-corruption reporting, environmental reporting, health reporting, telecoms and ICTs reporting, business and SMEs reporting , migration reporting, women empowerment reporting, oil and gas reporting.
- Awards will be given to excellent and impactful works of journalism in West Africa.
- Open to journalists from print, electronic and online media in Anglophone, Francophone, and Lusophone countries in West Africa.
- An applicant must be West African, working with and for a media organizations based in the sub-region.
- An entry for the Awards must have been published or broadcasted between the period January 1 to December 31, 2022.
Application Process
- Interested applicants should upload published works via the entry form.
- The entry should be an original work published through a media outlet in West Africa and must show the date of publication/broadcast and the medium in which the work was published.
- Applicants may submit entries to a maximum of two categories. For each category, a maximum of two entries is permitted.
Application Deadline: June 30, 2023
Application ClosedOfficial link