With the CCP Fellowships, the CrossCulture Programme (CCP) funds between 50 to 70 professionals and committed volunteers from up to 40 countries each year. During two to three months of work-related stays in host organisations in Germany or CCP partner countries, participants deepen their expertise, establish new contacts and acquire intercultural skills. In turn, the host organisations benefit from the expertise, regional knowledge and networks of the CCP Fellows. Participants can also attend intercultural workshops, networking and professional events hosted by the CCP. After returning to their daily working lives, participants then bring the experience they have gained into their home organisation.
Looking for fully-funded opportunities, install the Youth Opportunities Android or iOS App here.
In 2023, fellowships will be offered as on-site fellowships. Subject to funding by the German Federal Foreign Office and based on their personal situation and COVID-19 entry requirements, participants may decide to participate as well as a digital fellow.
Fellowships are principally awarded to people working in one of the following fields:
- Policy and society
- Media and Culture
- Human rights and peace
- Sustainable development
In 2023, the following key topics will also be focussed on:
- Digital civil society
- Climate justice
Primarily, CCP Fellowships promote civil society actors, strengthening them in their work. This includes the following support and offers:
- Collaboration with a guest organisation from the CCP network, either on-site or online
- Mentoring for the duration of the fellowship
- Online/on-site professional training in the fellow’s field of work, taking their individual and professional aims into account
- Networking with other CCP Fellowship holders
- Inclusion in the CCP alumni network
- For fellowship holders focussing on one of the key topics of CCP: participation in a professional event
The ifa will cover the following costs for participants from abroad:
a monthly stipend of 550 euros plus the coverage of costs for round-trip airfare, accommodation, monthly public transportation ticket within the fellow’s city of residence, health insurance, reimbursement of any visa fees incurred
The ifa will cover the following costs for participants from Germany:
a monthly stipend of 550 euros plus a monthly accommodation allowance of 550 euros, reimbursement of round-trip airfare, reimbursement of any visa fees incurred, health insurance
Exclusionary Criteria for the Application: students cannot participate in the programme.
Participants from abroad will receive the following benefits.
- You will receive a monthly allowance of 550 Euros to cover your daily expenses
- The program will cover roundtrip airfare from travel to and from Germany
- You will receive coverage for accommodation for the entire duration of the program
- Participants will receive a monthly ticket for public transport within the place of residence
- The program also offers a refund for costs related to the visa application
- You will also receive coverage for Health insurance for the entire duration of the program.
For scholarship recipients from Germany, the program will offer the following
- You will receive a monthly allowance of 550 Euros to cover your accommodation and daily living expenses
- The program will offer you a refund for your roundtrip airfare
- Costs related to visa applications will be reimbursed
- The program will also cover your Health insurance
Essential application conditions
- You must be between the ages of 23 and 45 at the time of the application.
- Applicants are required to have Good written and spoken English skills.
- You must have at least two years of proven professional experience or volunteer work in a civil society organization in your home country
- Applicants must also be in good health for a longer stay in Germany.
Desirable Qualities
- You must have been and still are socially engaged for the long term.
- Desired applicants are those who can prove full-time experience in their fields of specialization.
- If you possess language skills, particularly, German language skills, you will have an added advantage.
Eligible Regions: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestinian Territory, Republic of Moldova, Russia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
Application Process
- You will have to open the ifa application portal and select the fellowship of your choice.
- Applicants must then complete the application form and upload their documents. Since the application system cannot cache any input, all documents should be ready for upload at the start of the application.
- Submit the completed application online via the application portal.
You must submit the following documents along with your application
- A Letter of Motivation
- One Letter of Recommendation
- Your most recent Curriculum vitae
- A Portrait photograph (optional)
Looking for fully-funded opportunities, install the Youth Opportunities Android or iOS App here.
Application Deadline: December 22, 2022
Application ClosedOfficial link