DeConstructing Narratives
  • July 28 - August 19, 2020
  • Nairobi

DeConstructing Narratives is the UWC Kenya Short Course being held in Nairobi, Kenya in August 2020. The course will give participants a space to confront, with critical understanding, the narratives that shape our world today. This means, wholly understanding narratives beyond what is seen on the surface, extracting their underlying assumptions and examining their function within a potential overarching agenda. The short course will explore narratives relating to 3 thematic areas; identity, governance & development, and sustainability.

They are looking for facilitators to be involved with the delivery of the 14-day course, as well as some organizational aspects of the course from the time facilitators are recruited. There are 4 days of facilitator preparation days prior to the commencement of the course, and 2 post-course evaluation days after the course ends. They are looking to assemble a diverse group of facilitators with a range of backgrounds, areas of expertise, and perspectives on narratives and how to engage with them. They are looking for people with a passion for working with young people, effecting positive change in their societies and people who believe in their course philosophy. Being a facilitator is a very rewarding experience, you have the opportunity to teach, learn from, inspire, and be inspired by the 50-course participants who are all young, motivated, engaged, and come from all over the world.

To get more exciting opportunities like this, at your fingertips, install the Youth Opportunities Mobile App here from your cellphone.

Besides operating 18 UWC schools and pre-university colleges around the globe and maintaining a network of UWC national committees focusing on student selection and alumni engagement in 159 countries, UWC focuses on running an increasing number of short courses to bring our values-based education and mission to a wider audience. Courses are typically organized either by UWC schools and colleges or by UWC national committees and they also vary in their field and topic depending on the context. They are typically two to three weeks long and residential.

UWC short courses are experiential and immersive experiences. Courses typically bring together 30 – 60 young people from different areas and social backgrounds. As the focus of each course is different, the course participants may be from within the same country, region or continent – or it may be entirely international. Each course has a different theme or focuses on different skill development: from youth leadership to sustainability, from conflict/post-conflict to migration, gender, and cross-cultural understanding. Short courses are endorsed by UWC International.


kenya, Africa, African Countries


  • This is a volunteer opportunity thus no monetary compensation will be provided, they will, however, cater to course-related costs incurred in Nairobi. This includes meals, accommodation and on the ground transportation
  • A travel subsidy of up to 300 USD
  • Facilitating a short course is a very rewarding experience, you will watch participants grow and inspire them throughout the two weeks
  • Facilitators will also gain experience crafting a non-formal experiential educational experience for young people on the topics they are most passionate about. This is a space to try out the ideas that weren’t allowed in school or university but you feel is important and necessary.
  • Facilitators are given agency and responsibility for the program to shape it in the way that appeals most to them.


  • Be at least 18 years old by 1st August 2020
  • Be fully committed to being in Nairobi, Kenya from July 28th to August 19th, 2020
  • Proficient English speaker
  • Be motivated to guide a group of students aged 16-19 along a journey of learning and self-discovery for 2 weeks
  • Open-minded, ready and willing to work in a team
  • Commitment to social justice
  • Belief in the course mission and philosophy
Eligible Regions: Open for all

Application Process

  • Complete the written application given on the Apply Now link
  • The written application will be evaluated after which they will shortlist candidates to be offered an interview within two weeks of the submission deadline
  • Applicants not shortlisted will be informed
  • Interviews will be conducted online and decisions will be communicated within 2 weeks of the interview

To get more exciting opportunities like this, at your fingertips, install the Youth Opportunities Mobile App here from your cellphone.


Application Deadline: March 15, 2020

Application ClosedOfficial link

For Further Queries

Contact on [email protected]
Disclaimer: Youth Opportunities spreads opportunities for your convenience and ease based on available information, and thus, does not take any responsibility of unintended alternative or inaccurate information. As this is not the official page, we recommend you to visit the official website of opportunity provider for complete information. For organizations, this opportunity is shared with sole purpose of promoting “Access to Information” for all and should not be associated with any other purposes.

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