Girls Impact Film Festival is an annual event that focuses on issues facing women and girls around the world. High school and undergraduate students are encouraged to submit 3-6 minute short films that address global women’s issues such as education for girls, maternal health, violence against women and girls, and a variety of other issues.
To get more exciting opportunities like this, at your fingertips, install the Youth Opportunities Mobile App here.
Films will:
(1) Raise awareness about current issues affecting women and girls around the world AND/OR (2) Propose solutions to current challenges faced by women
These issues include:
- Economic independence for women and girls
- Education for girls and women
- Ending child marriage
- Ending FGM
- Gender pay gap – equal pay
- Global health for women and girls
- Honest Beauty
- Maternal mortality
- Poverty affecting women and girls
- Refugee Stories of women and girls
- Sex trafficking and slavery of women and girls
- Stand Up Men
- Teen & child marriage
- Violence against women
- Women and girls in media
- Women and girls in STEM
- Women in business (leadership)
- Women and the environment (including water issues)
ConnectHER invests in female leaders who are creating sustainable impact in their local communities and gives youth a compelling platform for telling their stories through the Girls Impact the World Film Festival.
- Women and girls suffer disproportionately from poverty, conflict, oppression and war.
- By working to advance women and girls globally, communities will be elevated since women give back significantly to their families & communities.
- We need to highlight & invest in women leaders from developing world communities to help scale their efforts. For every woman leader we invest in, multiple more are created.
- Encouraging women’s access to space and voice is crucial. Connecther provides a platform for women & girls to tell their own stories.
The winners will be given cash prizes from a pull of over $25K. The award ceremony will be held in Austin, Texas in the United States.
United StatesBenefits
Winners will be awarded over $25K in prizes.
- Judges’ Choice Grand Prize: $5000
- Judges’ Choice 1st Runner Up: $2500
- Judges’ Choice 2nd Runner Up: $1000
- Gems’ Choice Grand Prize: $1000
- People’s Choice Winner: $2500 (based on the total number of fb likes + tweets – winner will be chosen from top 10 most popular) *
- Most Innovative Film or Solution prize: $1000
- Ian Somerhalder Foundation Green IS Prize – $2500
- HONEST BEAUTY Prize – $2500
- Global Impact Prize: $2,500
- Stand Up Men Prize: $2,500
- Girls in STEM Prize: $2,000
- Let Girls Learn Prize: $1,000
- Students enrolled in high school or undergraduate programs are qualified to enter.
- If chosen as a finalist, filmmakers must provide proof of enrollment at their school/university. (Special circumstances may be considered for youth who are not in school.) Filmmakers must be 25 years old or under by the submission date of January 20, 2019.
Application Process
Apply online through the given link
To get more exciting opportunities like this, at your fingertips, install the Youth Opportunities Mobile App here.
Application Deadline: January 20, 2019
Application ClosedOfficial link