The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) announces post-doctoral research fellowships for scholars working on subjects related to human rights issues in Turkey.
The RWI provides post-doctoral research fellowships for Turkish researchers who would like to conduct their research projects at universities or research institutions in Turkey or abroad. The research topics should have strong connections with human rights and humanitarian law issues. A maximum of 4 candidates will be awarded a post-doctoral fellowship.
- Fellowships will cover living expenses up to the amount of EUR 1.750 per month for fellows in host institutions outside of Turkey (the amount will be calculated according to living expenses in the host country).
- Fellowship holders traveling abroad will receive a one-time travel allowance up to EUR 500 including return ticket, visa application and travel insurance fee/expenses. Fellows in universities in Turkey will receive up to 5.000 TL per month.
- Fellows relocating to a different city for the fellowship will receive a one-time travel allowance.
- Fellowships will be provided for a nine to twelve-month period.
The post-doctoral research fellowship is open to Turkish citizens who have obtained their Ph.D degrees from a university in Turkey within the last 3 years of the application deadline.
All applications with connections to human rights and humanitarian law issues are welcome. Applicants whose proposed research projects are related to the rights of the elderly, children, women, refugees, persons with disabilities as well as the relationship between human rights and information and communication strategies (ICTs) and human rights cities will be given preference. Scholars from all disciplines are encouraged to apply; applicants who adopt an interdisciplinary approach in their works will be given preference.
Eligible Regions: TurkeyApplication Process
- Research proposal submitted to the host institution in English
- Letter of invitation from the host institution in English
- Fellowship motivation letter (the letter should include the field of work, the motivation for the selection of the host institution, expected contribution of the research visit to the applicant’s academic work etc.) in English
- Curriculum vitae (outlining degrees, list of publications, foreign language proficiency, relevant skills etc.) in English
- Copy of dissertation
- A writing sample (published or unpublished article, book chapter etc.), preferably in English
RWI may hold interviews with the applicants if deemed necessary. Only complete applications will be taken into consideration. An applicant may not be awarded more than one scholarship under this call for the scholarship.
Application Deadline: October 15, 2018
Application ClosedOfficial link